> I think if we're going to require a complex workflow, then we're
> going to have to expect a lot of questions.  And those questions
> shouldn't be brushed-off with "go read the tutorial, we have no time
> for you" or words to that effect.

And indeed, I think this (asking questions) is just about the only
sensible way to approach this - requests to RTFM are probably less
useful than people expect. The only way to learn this stuff is by
doing it, not by reading about it.

I think I warned that this would happen - that the tools require
a large amount of relearning, and that it will take time for
committers to adjust.

So I'd encourage everybody to keep asking questions, and request that
they are answered in a polite manner, even if the one answering thinks
that the same question is already answered in some documentation.

The only alternative is that some people just give up contributing
to Python.

I just hope that we can stick with Mercurial for more than five years,
before the next hot thing comes along.

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