On 21/03/2011 17:47, Stefan Behnel wrote:
Stefan Behnel, 21.03.2011 11:58:
Guido van Rossum, 21.03.2011 03:46:
Have you tried replacing selected stdlib modules with their
Cython-optimized equivalents in some of the NumPy/SciPy distros? (E.g.
what about Enthought's Python distros?) Depending on how well that
goes I might warm up to Cython more!

Hmm, I hadn't heard about that before. I'll ask on our mailing list if
anyone's aware of them. I doubt that the stdlib participates in the
critical parts of scientific computation code. Maybe alternative CSV
parsers or something like that, but I'd be surprised if they were
compatible with what's in the stdlib.

Sorry, I misread your statement above. You were actually proposing to let us work on the existing stdlib modules, and then to get other, already Cython-enabled distributions to ship Cython compiled stdlib modules for testing.

Yes, I think this is a good idea. Their entry level for using Cython at build time will be much lower than for general CPython.

Would you say it's worth a GSoC project to get some of the Python stdlib modules compiled and/or some of the C modules rewritten in Cython? The Cython project would surely provide collective help through its user mailing list, code review, etc.

Assuming its possible it sounds like an awesome project.



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