On Mar 30, 2011, at 09:20 AM, Ben Finney wrote:

>The ‘vc’ package (I'm using Debian's GNU Emacs 23.2.1) now recognises
>DVCS-controlled *files*, and works well with them. It's still unaware
>that modern VCS deals with project *trees*, so works only at an
>individual file level. Still quite useful (e.g. ‘vc-diff’ and the like).
>The ‘dvc’ project <URL:http://download.gna.org/dvc/> shows promise, but
>isn't yet in Debian so I haven't tried it.

That'll be interesting to track.  I do something probably similar to you: I
diff inside Emacs but always $vcs commit from a shell.  I vaguely remember
some ancient way of doing tree-based commits using svn in Emacs, but those
brain cells have long been recycled.

>I just use ‘ediff’ between different working trees on the filesystem, so
>I don't know how well it works with files that don't exist.

One thing I miss so far with Mercurial is 'smerge' mode.  When I have a
conflict in a Bazaar branch, I can just visit the conflicting file and Emacs
dumps me in a minor mode called smerge.  This gives me key bindings to hop
around between conflict areas, select which part I want (or both) and then
automatically calls $vcs resolve when all the conflict areas are taken care
of.  Makes it *very* nice for dealing with such things, but in the one case I
tried it with Mercurial conflicts, it didn't work.  I'll have to investigate
further, but I'm guessing it's caused by some incompatibility with hg's
conflict markers.

>>  * replace the GNU python.el with python-mode.el from the python-mode
>>    project (formerly distributed with Python, but now all grown up and moved
>>    away).
>What's the current thinking on that? The native GNU Emacs Python mode
>seems fine to me, but I'm not a particularly clever Emacs user so am
>probably missing a whole lot.

In case you missed it, there are now *three* Python modes.  Tim Peters'
original and best (in my completely unbiased opinion <wink>) python-mode.el
which is still being developed, the older but apparently removed from Emacs
python.el and the 'new' (so I've heard) python.el.

Since Skip and I work on python-mode.el, you can tell what our preference is.
The fact that it hasn't been pulled into Emacs is a long and dark political
tale full of intrigue, subterfuge, fast cars, Matt Damon, sharks with frickin'
laser beams attached to their heads, and downright redonkulousness.  If you
want the full gory details (or just want to help make the most awesome Python
editing mode even awesomer), come join us on python-m...@python.org.


P.S. pdbtrack

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