On Apr 6, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 12:45, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettin...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> On Apr 6, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> > Since people are taking my "semantically identical" point too strongly for 
> > what I mean (there is a reason I said "except in cases
> > where implementation details of a VM prevents [semantic equivalency] 
> > entirely"), how about we change the requirement that C acceleration code 
> > must pass the same test suite (sans C specific issues such as refcount 
> > tests or word size) and adhere to the documented semantics the same? It 
> > should get us the same result without ruffling so many feathers. And if the 
> > other VMs find an inconsistency they can add a proper test and then we fix 
> > the code (as would be the case regardless). And in instances where it is 
> > simply not possible because of C limitations the test won't get written 
> > since the test will never pass.
> Does the whole PEP just boil down to "if a test is C specific, it should be 
> marked as such"?
> How about the test suite needs to have 100% test coverage (or as close as 
> possible) on the pure Python version? That will guarantee that the C code 
> which passes that level of test detail is as semantically equivalent as 
> possible. It also allows the other VMs to write their own acceleration code 
> without falling into the same trap as CPython can.

Sounds good.

> There is also the part of the PEP strongly stating that any module that gets 
> added with no pure Python equivalent will be considered CPython-only and you 
> better have a damned good reason for it to be only in C from this point 
> forward.

That seems reasonable for purely algorithmic modules.  I presume if an xz 
compressor gets added, there won't be a requirement that it be coded in Python 

Also, I'm not sure the current wording of the PEP makes it clear that this is a 
going-forward requirement.  We don't want to set off an avalanche of new devs 
rewriting all the current C components (struct, math, cmath, bz2, defaultdict, 
arraymodule, sha1, mersenne twister, etc).

For the most part, I expect that people writing algorithmic C modules will 
start-off by writing a pure python version anyway, so this shouldn't be a big 
change to their development process.

> P.S.  We also need a PEP 8 entry or somesuch giving specific advice about 
> rich comparisons (i.e. never just supply one ordering method, always 
> implement all six); otherwise, rich comparisons will be a never ending source 
> of headaches.
> Fine by me, but I will let you handle that one. 



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