On Apr 15, 2011 3:46 AM, "Gustavo Narea" <m...@gustavonarea.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> How come a description of how to exploit a security vulnerability
> comes before a release for said vulnerability? I'm talking about this:
> http://blog.python.org/2011/04/urllib-security-vulnerability-fixed.html
> My understanding is that the whole point of asking people not to
> report security vulnerability publicly was to allow time to release a
> fix.

To me, the fix *was* released. Sure, no fancy installers were generated yet,
but people who are susceptible to this issue 1) now know about it, and 2)
have a way to patch their system *if needed*.

If that's wrong, I apologize for writing the post too early. On top of that,
it seems I didn't get all of the details right either, so apologies on that
as well.
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