Ethan Furman <> writes:

> Ben Finney wrote:
> > TestCase subclasses is a multiple-inheritance use case that I share.
> > The mix-ins add test cases (methods named ‘test_’ on the mix-in
> > class) to the TestCase subclass. I would prefer not to use multiple
> > inheritance for this if it can be achieved in a better way.
> >
> > How can composition add test cases detectable by Python's ‘unittest’?
> Metaclasses, if's that an option...
> or a class decorator

Both interesting, thank you. But Python 3 isn't an option for several
projects where I'd like to use this.

 \     “What is needed is not the will to believe but the will to find |
  `\       out, which is the exact opposite.” —Bertrand Russell, _Free |
_o__)                           Thought and Official Propaganda_, 1928 |
Ben Finney

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