Ricardo Kirkner wrote:
I'll give you the example I came upon:

I have a TestCase class, which inherits from both Django's TestCase
and from some custom TestCases that act as mixin classes. So I have
something like

class MyTestCase(TestCase, Mixin1, Mixin2):

now django's TestCase class inherits from unittest2.TestCase, which we
found was not calling super. Even if this is a bug and should be fixed
in unittest2, this is an example where I, as a consumer of django,
shouldn't have to be worried about how django's TestCase class is

I have to disagree -- anytime you are using somebody else's code you need to be aware of what it's supposed to do -- especially when playing with multiple inheritance.

This response to the decorator I wrote for this situation may be helpful:

Carl Banks wrote (on Python-List):
> The problem is that he was doing mixins wrong.  Way wrong.
> Here is my advice on mixins:
> Mixins should almost always be listed first in the bases.  (The only
> exception is to work around a technicality.  Otherwise mixins go
> first.)
> If a mixin defines __init__, it should always accept self, *args and
> **kwargs (and no other arguments), and pass those on to
> super().__init__.  Same deal with any other function that different
> sister classes might define in varied ways (such as __call__).
> A mixin should not accept arguments in __init__.  Instead, it should
> burden the derived class to accept arguments on its behalf, and set
> attributes before calling super().__init__, which the mixin can
> access.
> If you insist on a mixin that accepts arguments in __init__, then it
> should should pop them off kwargs.  Avoid using positional arguments,
> and never use named arguments.  Always go through args and kwargs.
> If mixins follow these rules, they'll be reasonably safe to use on a
> variety of classes.  (Maybe even safe enough to use in Django
> classes.)

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