Martin v. Löwis wrote:
Here's another thought, that perhaps is not backwards-incompatible...

some_var[3] == b'd'

At some point, the bytes class' __eq__ will be called -- is there a
reason why we cannot have

1) a check to see if the bytes instance is length 1
2) a check to see if
   i) the other object is an int, and
   2) 0 <= other_obj < 256
3) if 1 and 2, make the comparison instead of returning NotImplemented?

Immutable objects that compare equal should hash equal;
so we would also have to change the hashing of byte strings. Not sure
whether that, in turn, has undesirable consequences.

I thought it was the other-way-round -- if they hash equal, they should compare equal? Or is this just for immutables?

In addition, equality should be transitive, so b'A' == 65.0.

I'm not sure what you're getting at... we could certainly have step 2 check for a number instead of an int, and then step 3 could extract the one element, giving an int, and then let that int compare itself with the other number, whether it be int, float, fraction, what-have-you.

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