On 5/18/2011 10:33 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:

│ ├─DLLs
│ ├─Doc
│ ├─include
│ ├─Lib
│ ├─libs
│ ├─Scripts
│ ├─tcl
│ └─Tools

Except for DLLs and tcl, these are the platform-independent names in the source tree. They are copied directly over to the installations, and I would not want it any way. Since I suspect change on *nix is out, I would feel the same for winX. I actually like having 'Lib' uppercase versus 'libs' lowercase, to make it easier to pick out 'Lib'. Most users have little reason to look as this directory list very often. Certainly, Doc, Lib, Scripts, and Tools are ones they might want to look in, which include, libs, and tcl have nothing to look at. Notice the pattern? Hmmm. By the same logic, DLLs should have been dlls, but I suspect someone wanted to distinguish the plural s from dll.

Terry Jan Reedy

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