On 30/06/2011 08:34, Tim Golden wrote:
On 30/06/2011 05:23, Mark Hammond wrote:
On 30/06/2011 3:00 AM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
PEP 397 (Python launcher for Windows) has a reference implementation
in Python.
Does anyone know of a C implementation, or is planning/working on one?
I realise
this is the final objective, so such implementation might be
premature, but
perhaps someone has been experimenting ...

Not yet - my last update of the PEP has made the existing reference
implementation out-of-date, so I want to work on that before starting on
the C version. However, seeing as my note about the most recent PEP
update attracted zero comments..

Sorry, didn't realise you couldn't see me silently nodding my
head from the other side of the world ;) I really must work
on those communication skills...

I have that email (the update one from Mark not the silent nodding from Tim) still sitting in my inbox waiting for me to properly read through and comment on... Sorry for being useless, I'll try and move it up the priority list.

I really like the PEP and think it will be a *huge* step forward for Windows users - so it's purely the details that need thrashing out (heh).

In the latest update Mark also addressed my main concern, making the launcher configurable so it can also be used by alternative implementations (particularly IronPython for Windows). I've copied Jeff Hardy and Dino (IronPython maintainers) in on this, in the hope that they might take a look at the latest version of the PEP too...

All the best,


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