On Jul 21, 2011 7:15 AM, "anatoly techtonik" <techto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you're going to include this into standard Python distribution, it
> needs more attention from _users_. As a user, I can not find any
> references to any user stories in this PEP article. Abstract chapter
> is totally useless
> "This PEP (named 'Python launcher for Windows') describes a Python
> launcher for the Windows platform." - it is a waste of time to read
> such stuff.
> "A Python launcher is a single executable which uses a number of
> heuristics to locate a Python executable and launch it with a
> specified command line." - this doesn't answer main questions - Why
> Launcher is needed, i.e. is there a problem? Can it be solved? How
> this PEP helps to solve the problem?
> I see that this launcher is an .msi file. Shouldn't it be portable and
> don't require administrative privileges? How about KISS?

No. As stated in the title, this is for Windows. It also installs to system
directories which is likely the need for admin access.
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