On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 20:30, Vlad Riscutia <riscutiav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If versioned filenames are added in addition to python.exe, it still might
> look confusing for most users: Why do I have python and python3.2
> executables? What's the difference? I'd rather go with -v argument either
> way, for people that *know* they want to call Python 3.2 instead of Python
> 3.1...
> Thank you,
> Vlad

Honestly, would it really be that confusing? Seeing python32.exe inside
C:\Python32 shouldn't be a huge surprise, and ActiveState has been doing
something like this for years (forever?).

Versioned executables in addition to the standard python.exe is something
I've wanted for a while, but that's outside of this PEP. This way you could
have C:\Python27 and C:\Python32 on your path and explicitly open up the
right one.
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