On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 18:32, Ryan Wells (MP Tech Consulting LLC) <
v-ry...@microsoft.com> wrote:

>  Hello Python Developers,****
> ** **
> I am a Program Manager with the Ecosystem Engineering team at Microsoft. We
> are tracking a issue with Python 3.2.2 on Windows Developer Preview when
> using Internet Explorer.

Is there any public bug tracker or other information for this on your end?
Sounds weird.

I’d like to connect directly with a developer on the project so that we can
> work closesly to resolve this issue.

There aren't many Windows devs around here, but while I'm one of them, I
don't currently have the bandwidth to devote to getting a Windows 8 setup
and working on this issue at the time. I think your best bet would be to
post as much information as you have and we can go from there, either from
myself or anyone available.

If you think you've nailed down a specific issue in Python,
http://bugs.python.org is our bug tracker.
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