
I optimized unicodeobject.c a little bit more where I saw major performance 
regressions from Python 3.2 to 3.3 using stringbench. Here are new results: 
see attachments. Example of tests where Python 3.3 is much slower:

"A".join(["Bob"]*100)): 2.11 => 0.92
("C"+"AB"*300).rfind("CA"): 0.57 => 1.03
("A" + ("Z"*128*1024)).replace("A", "BB", 1): 0.25 => 0.50

The rfind case is really strange: the code between Python 3.2 and 3.3 is 
exactly the same. Even in Python 3.2: rfind looks twice faster than find:

("AB"*300+"C").find("BC") (*1000) : 1.21
("C"+"AB"*300).rfind("CA") (*1000) : 0.57

stringbench is ASCII only, I expect worse performance with non-ASCII 
characters. Python 3.3 is now faster for pure ASCII (faster than other "kinds" 
of Unicode string).

Hopefuly, Python 3.3 is faster in some stringbench tests, sometimes 2 times 
faster ;-)

stringbench v2.0
3.3.0a0 (default:341c3002ffb2, Oct  6 2011, 01:52:36) 
[GCC 4.6.0 20110603 (Red Hat 4.6.0-10)]
2011-10-06 01:53:06.975247
bytes   unicode
(in ms) (in ms) %       comment
========== case conversion -- dense
0.40    1.59    25.2    ("WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CARMEN SAN DEIGO?"*10).lower() 
0.42    1.55    27.3    ("where in the world is carmen san deigo?"*10).upper() 
========== case conversion -- rare
0.53    1.49    35.8    ("Where in the world is Carmen San Deigo?"*10).lower() 
0.44    1.55    28.5    ("wHERE IN THE WORLD IS cARMEN sAN dEIGO?"*10).upper() 
========== concat 20 strings of words length 4 to 15
1.25    1.44    86.8    s1+s2+s3+s4+...+s20 (*1000)
========== concat two strings
0.06    0.07    92.5    "Andrew"+"Dalke" (*1000)
========== count AACT substrings in DNA example
1.27    1.32    96.5    dna.count("AACT") (*10)
========== count newlines
0.53    0.51    103.3   ...text.with.2000.newlines.count("\n") (*10)
========== early match, single character
0.11    0.12    89.2    ("A"*1000).find("A") (*1000)
0.31    0.03    887.7   "A" in "A"*1000 (*1000)
0.11    0.12    90.7    ("A"*1000).index("A") (*1000)
0.13    0.14    94.4    ("A"*1000).partition("A") (*1000)
0.12    0.13    90.3    ("A"*1000).rfind("A") (*1000)
0.12    0.13    91.3    ("A"*1000).rindex("A") (*1000)
0.12    0.13    94.7    ("A"*1000).rpartition("A") (*1000)
0.28    0.27    102.0   ("A"*1000).rsplit("A", 1) (*1000)
0.29    0.28    103.4   ("A"*1000).split("A", 1) (*1000)
========== early match, two characters
0.11    0.13    90.5    ("AB"*1000).find("AB") (*1000)
0.31    0.04    799.5   "AB" in "AB"*1000 (*1000)
0.11    0.13    89.2    ("AB"*1000).index("AB") (*1000)
0.15    0.16    97.9    ("AB"*1000).partition("AB") (*1000)
0.12    0.14    90.0    ("AB"*1000).rfind("AB") (*1000)
0.12    0.13    92.8    ("AB"*1000).rindex("AB") (*1000)
0.14    0.15    93.3    ("AB"*1000).rpartition("AB") (*1000)
0.31    0.30    101.4   ("AB"*1000).rsplit("AB", 1) (*1000)
0.32    0.32    101.0   ("AB"*1000).split("AB", 1) (*1000)
========== endswith multiple characters
0.13    0.13    96.1    "Andrew".endswith("Andrew") (*1000)
========== endswith multiple characters - not!
0.13    0.12    108.4   "Andrew".endswith("Anders") (*1000)
========== endswith single character
0.13    0.13    94.9    "Andrew".endswith("w") (*1000)
========== formatting a string type with a dict
N/A     0.52    0.0     "The %(k1)s is %(k2)s the 
%(k3)s."%{"k1":"x","k2":"y","k3":"z",} (*1000)
========== join empty string, with 1 character sep
N/A     0.04    0.0     "A".join("") (*100)
========== join empty string, with 5 character sep
N/A     0.04    0.0     "ABCDE".join("") (*100)
========== join list of 100 words, with 1 character sep
1.10    2.11    52.3    "A".join(["Bob"]*100)) (*1000)
========== join list of 100 words, with 5 character sep
1.16    2.29    50.9    "ABCDE".join(["Bob"]*100)) (*1000)
========== join list of 26 characters, with 1 character sep
0.31    0.60    51.3    "A".join(list("ABC..Z")) (*1000)
========== join list of 26 characters, with 5 character sep
0.34    0.60    56.5    "ABCDE".join(list("ABC..Z")) (*1000)
========== join string with 26 characters, with 1 character sep
N/A     1.23    0.0     "A".join("ABC..Z") (*1000)
========== join string with 26 characters, with 5 character sep
N/A     1.21    0.0     "ABCDE".join("ABC..Z") (*1000)
========== late match, 100 characters
8.88    8.52    104.1   s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+s+"E").find(s+"E") (*100)
3.48    3.53    98.5    s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+"E"+s).find("E"+s) (*100)
5.33    5.28    100.9   s="ABC"*33; (s+"E") in ((s+"D")*300+s+"E") (*100)
8.88    8.60    103.2   s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+s+"E").index(s+"E") (*100)
9.24    9.24    100.0   s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+s+"E").partition(s+"E") (*100)
7.86    7.61    103.4   s="ABC"*33; ("E"+s+("D"+s)*500).rfind("E"+s) (*100)
1.76    1.98    88.9    s="ABC"*33; (s+"E"+("D"+s)*500).rfind(s+"E") (*100)
7.67    7.53    101.9   s="ABC"*33; ("E"+s+("D"+s)*500).rindex("E"+s) (*100)
7.88    7.74    101.9   s="ABC"*33; ("E"+s+("D"+s)*500).rpartition("E"+s) (*100)
8.22    8.22    100.0   s="ABC"*33; ("E"+s+("D"+s)*500).rsplit("E"+s, 1) (*100)
9.12    9.09    100.3   s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+s+"E").split(s+"E", 1) (*100)
========== late match, two characters
1.19    1.16    103.1   ("AB"*300+"C").find("BC") (*1000)
1.18    1.18    99.2    ("AB"*300+"CA").find("CA") (*1000)
1.38    1.10    125.7   "BC" in ("AB"*300+"C") (*1000)
1.21    1.16    104.2   ("AB"*300+"C").index("BC") (*1000)
1.18    1.21    98.2    ("AB"*300+"C").partition("BC") (*1000)
1.06    1.03    102.3   ("C"+"AB"*300).rfind("CA") (*1000)
0.70    0.71    98.7    ("BC"+"AB"*300).rfind("BC") (*1000)
1.04    1.03    100.9   ("C"+"AB"*300).rindex("CA") (*1000)
1.03    1.05    97.6    ("C"+"AB"*300).rpartition("CA") (*1000)
1.24    1.19    103.8   ("C"+"AB"*300).rsplit("CA", 1) (*1000)
1.29    1.34    96.0    ("AB"*300+"C").split("BC", 1) (*1000)
========== no match, single character
0.67    0.68    98.1    ("A"*1000).find("B") (*1000)
0.86    0.59    145.4   "B" in "A"*1000 (*1000)
0.60    0.61    98.2    ("A"*1000).partition("B") (*1000)
0.68    0.68    98.8    ("A"*1000).rfind("B") (*1000)
0.61    0.62    99.5    ("A"*1000).rpartition("B") (*1000)
0.71    0.71    100.2   ("A"*1000).rsplit("B", 1) (*1000)
0.70    0.70    99.9    ("A"*1000).split("B", 1) (*1000)
========== no match, two characters
3.64    3.50    103.9   ("AB"*1000).find("BC") (*1000)
3.70    3.59    103.1   ("AB"*1000).find("CA") (*1000)
3.86    3.56    108.4   "BC" in "AB"*1000 (*1000)
3.57    3.69    96.9    ("AB"*1000).partition("BC") (*1000)
2.04    2.04    100.0   ("AB"*1000).rfind("BC") (*1000)
3.17    3.14    100.7   ("AB"*1000).rfind("CA") (*1000)
1.99    2.12    94.2    ("AB"*1000).rpartition("BC") (*1000)
2.31    2.33    99.2    ("AB"*1000).rsplit("BC", 1) (*1000)
3.75    3.74    100.1   ("AB"*1000).split("BC", 1) (*1000)
========== quick replace multiple character match
0.06    0.49    11.3    ("A" + ("Z"*128*1024)).replace("AZZ", "BBZZ", 1) (*10)
========== quick replace single character match
0.05    0.50    11.0    ("A" + ("Z"*128*1024)).replace("A", "BB", 1) (*10)
========== repeat 1 character 10 times
0.06    0.07    86.0    "A"*10 (*1000)
========== repeat 1 character 1000 times
0.11    0.12    91.4    "A"*1000 (*1000)
========== repeat 5 characters 10 times
0.07    0.08    85.3    "ABCDE"*10 (*1000)
========== repeat 5 characters 1000 times
0.21    0.23    91.4    "ABCDE"*1000 (*1000)
========== replace and expand multiple characters, big string
0.83    1.80    46.0    "...text.with.2000.newlines...replace("\n", "\r\n") 
========== replace multiple characters, dna
1.63    2.35    69.3    dna.replace("ATC", "ATT") (*10)
========== replace single character
0.13    0.17    73.9    "This is a test".replace(" ", "\t") (*1000)
========== replace single character, big string
0.23    1.37    16.5    "...text.with.2000.lines...replace("\n", " ") (*10)
========== replace/remove multiple characters
0.20    0.27    74.7    "When shall we three meet again?".replace("ee", "") 
========== split 1 whitespace
0.08    0.11    78.6    ("Here are some words. "*2).partition(" ") (*1000)
0.07    0.08    84.3    ("Here are some words. "*2).rpartition(" ") (*1000)
0.19    0.21    91.0    ("Here are some words. "*2).rsplit(None, 1) (*1000)
0.18    0.20    93.2    ("Here are some words. "*2).split(None, 1) (*1000)
========== split 2000 newlines
1.27    1.51    83.9    "...text...".rsplit("\n") (*10)
1.21    1.32    91.4    "...text...".split("\n") (*10)
1.44    1.71    84.1    "...text...".splitlines() (*10)
========== split newlines
0.22    0.27    82.9    "this\nis\na\ntest\n".rsplit("\n") (*1000)
0.22    0.24    91.4    "this\nis\na\ntest\n".split("\n") (*1000)
0.20    0.24    82.4    "this\nis\na\ntest\n".splitlines() (*1000)
========== split on multicharacter separator (dna)
1.09    1.10    98.8    dna.rsplit("ACTAT") (*10)
1.48    1.43    103.4   dna.split("ACTAT") (*10)
========== split on multicharacter separator (small)
0.40    0.46    88.4    
"this--is--a--test--of--the--emergency--broadcast--system".rsplit("--") (*1000)
0.39    0.45    87.0    
"this--is--a--test--of--the--emergency--broadcast--system".split("--") (*1000)
========== split whitespace (huge)
1.24    1.44    86.1    human_text.rsplit() (*10)
1.11    1.35    82.6    human_text.split() (*10)
========== split whitespace (small)
0.34    0.38    89.5    ("Here are some words. "*2).rsplit() (*1000)
0.32    0.37    85.8    ("Here are some words. "*2).split() (*1000)
========== startswith multiple characters
0.12    0.13    94.5    "Andrew".startswith("Andrew") (*1000)
========== startswith multiple characters - not!
0.12    0.11    109.7   "Andrew".startswith("Anders") (*1000)
========== startswith single character
0.12    0.13    95.4    "Andrew".startswith("A") (*1000)
========== strip terminal newline
0.06    0.16    39.1    s="Hello!\n"; s[:-1] if s[-1]=="\n" else s (*1000)
0.05    0.06    77.6    "\nHello!".rstrip() (*1000)
0.05    0.06    77.0    "Hello!\n".rstrip() (*1000)
0.05    0.07    74.4    "\nHello!\n".strip() (*1000)
0.05    0.06    75.8    "\nHello!".strip() (*1000)
0.05    0.06    75.3    "Hello!\n".strip() (*1000)
========== strip terminal spaces and tabs
0.05    0.07    70.1    "\t   \tHello".rstrip() (*1000)
0.05    0.07    76.5    "Hello\t   \t".rstrip() (*1000)
0.03    0.04    78.7    "Hello\t   \t".strip() (*1000)
========== tab split
0.36    0.48    75.4    GFF3_example.rsplit("\t", 8) (*1000)
0.34    0.46    73.2    GFF3_example.rsplit("\t") (*1000)
0.30    0.42    70.5    GFF3_example.split("\t", 8) (*1000)
0.32    0.43    73.4    GFF3_example.split("\t") (*1000)
152.32  166.34  91.6    TOTAL
stringbench v2.0
3.2.2+ (3.2:125887a41a6f, Oct  5 2011, 22:29:03) 
[GCC 4.6.0 20110603 (Red Hat 4.6.0-10)]
2011-10-05 22:48:28.819039
bytes   unicode
(in ms) (in ms) %       comment
========== case conversion -- dense
0.44    1.46    30.0    ("WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CARMEN SAN DEIGO?"*10).lower() 
0.46    1.38    33.3    ("where in the world is carmen san deigo?"*10).upper() 
========== case conversion -- rare
0.59    1.40    42.1    ("Where in the world is Carmen San Deigo?"*10).lower() 
0.48    1.40    34.1    ("wHERE IN THE WORLD IS cARMEN sAN dEIGO?"*10).upper() 
========== concat 20 strings of words length 4 to 15
1.26    1.50    83.7    s1+s2+s3+s4+...+s20 (*1000)
========== concat two strings
0.06    0.05    129.1   "Andrew"+"Dalke" (*1000)
========== count AACT substrings in DNA example
1.26    1.27    99.6    dna.count("AACT") (*10)
========== count newlines
0.53    0.53    99.1    ...text.with.2000.newlines.count("\n") (*10)
========== early match, single character
0.12    0.12    101.5   ("A"*1000).find("A") (*1000)
0.32    0.03    1139.8  "A" in "A"*1000 (*1000)
0.12    0.12    104.4   ("A"*1000).index("A") (*1000)
0.13    0.20    66.6    ("A"*1000).partition("A") (*1000)
0.13    0.12    103.5   ("A"*1000).rfind("A") (*1000)
0.13    0.12    102.9   ("A"*1000).rindex("A") (*1000)
0.13    0.20    63.2    ("A"*1000).rpartition("A") (*1000)
0.29    0.34    84.8    ("A"*1000).rsplit("A", 1) (*1000)
0.29    0.35    82.4    ("A"*1000).split("A", 1) (*1000)
========== early match, two characters
0.12    0.12    103.2   ("AB"*1000).find("AB") (*1000)
0.32    0.03    1050.5  "AB" in "AB"*1000 (*1000)
0.12    0.12    103.4   ("AB"*1000).index("AB") (*1000)
0.15    0.26    60.0    ("AB"*1000).partition("AB") (*1000)
0.13    0.12    104.1   ("AB"*1000).rfind("AB") (*1000)
0.13    0.13    101.9   ("AB"*1000).rindex("AB") (*1000)
0.15    0.25    60.7    ("AB"*1000).rpartition("AB") (*1000)
0.31    0.42    73.4    ("AB"*1000).rsplit("AB", 1) (*1000)
0.32    0.42    76.7    ("AB"*1000).split("AB", 1) (*1000)
========== endswith multiple characters
0.13    0.15    89.1    "Andrew".endswith("Andrew") (*1000)
========== endswith multiple characters - not!
0.13    0.11    111.1   "Andrew".endswith("Anders") (*1000)
========== endswith single character
0.12    0.13    95.1    "Andrew".endswith("w") (*1000)
========== formatting a string type with a dict
N/A     0.43    0.0     "The %(k1)s is %(k2)s the 
%(k3)s."%{"k1":"x","k2":"y","k3":"z",} (*1000)
========== join empty string, with 1 character sep
N/A     0.04    0.0     "A".join("") (*100)
========== join empty string, with 5 character sep
N/A     0.04    0.0     "ABCDE".join("") (*100)
========== join list of 100 words, with 1 character sep
1.13    0.92    122.6   "A".join(["Bob"]*100)) (*1000)
========== join list of 100 words, with 5 character sep
1.17    0.96    122.0   "ABCDE".join(["Bob"]*100)) (*1000)
========== join list of 26 characters, with 1 character sep
0.32    0.27    118.2   "A".join(list("ABC..Z")) (*1000)
========== join list of 26 characters, with 5 character sep
0.32    0.32    100.9   "ABCDE".join(list("ABC..Z")) (*1000)
========== join string with 26 characters, with 1 character sep
N/A     0.93    0.0     "A".join("ABC..Z") (*1000)
========== join string with 26 characters, with 5 character sep
N/A     1.00    0.0     "ABCDE".join("ABC..Z") (*1000)
========== late match, 100 characters
8.73    8.80    99.2    s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+s+"E").find(s+"E") (*100)
3.44    3.49    98.5    s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+"E"+s).find("E"+s) (*100)
5.41    5.37    100.8   s="ABC"*33; (s+"E") in ((s+"D")*300+s+"E") (*100)
9.04    9.01    100.3   s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+s+"E").index(s+"E") (*100)
8.91    10.90   81.7    s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+s+"E").partition(s+"E") (*100)
7.49    3.48    215.0   s="ABC"*33; ("E"+s+("D"+s)*500).rfind("E"+s) (*100)
1.81    1.95    92.7    s="ABC"*33; (s+"E"+("D"+s)*500).rfind(s+"E") (*100)
7.71    3.90    197.4   s="ABC"*33; ("E"+s+("D"+s)*500).rindex("E"+s) (*100)
7.77    4.23    184.0   s="ABC"*33; ("E"+s+("D"+s)*500).rpartition("E"+s) (*100)
8.18    4.25    192.4   s="ABC"*33; ("E"+s+("D"+s)*500).rsplit("E"+s, 1) (*100)
9.22    9.93    92.9    s="ABC"*33; ((s+"D")*500+s+"E").split(s+"E", 1) (*100)
========== late match, two characters
1.23    1.21    101.5   ("AB"*300+"C").find("BC") (*1000)
1.19    1.16    101.9   ("AB"*300+"CA").find("CA") (*1000)
1.38    1.08    128.6   "BC" in ("AB"*300+"C") (*1000)
1.19    1.18    100.6   ("AB"*300+"C").index("BC") (*1000)
1.19    1.38    86.1    ("AB"*300+"C").partition("BC") (*1000)
1.05    0.57    184.5   ("C"+"AB"*300).rfind("CA") (*1000)
0.70    0.70    99.7    ("BC"+"AB"*300).rfind("BC") (*1000)
1.04    0.58    181.4   ("C"+"AB"*300).rindex("CA") (*1000)
1.03    0.61    168.3   ("C"+"AB"*300).rpartition("CA") (*1000)
1.24    0.77    161.1   ("C"+"AB"*300).rsplit("CA", 1) (*1000)
1.32    1.39    95.1    ("AB"*300+"C").split("BC", 1) (*1000)
========== no match, single character
0.68    0.68    100.2   ("A"*1000).find("B") (*1000)
0.89    0.59    151.2   "B" in "A"*1000 (*1000)
0.60    0.60    99.9    ("A"*1000).partition("B") (*1000)
0.69    0.68    100.8   ("A"*1000).rfind("B") (*1000)
0.61    0.60    100.9   ("A"*1000).rpartition("B") (*1000)
0.71    0.72    99.2    ("A"*1000).rsplit("B", 1) (*1000)
0.71    0.70    101.7   ("A"*1000).split("B", 1) (*1000)
========== no match, two characters
3.69    3.65    101.3   ("AB"*1000).find("BC") (*1000)
3.64    3.63    100.3   ("AB"*1000).find("CA") (*1000)
3.87    3.54    109.2   "BC" in "AB"*1000 (*1000)
3.58    4.12    87.0    ("AB"*1000).partition("BC") (*1000)
2.05    2.02    101.6   ("AB"*1000).rfind("BC") (*1000)
3.16    1.62    195.0   ("AB"*1000).rfind("CA") (*1000)
2.02    2.03    99.6    ("AB"*1000).rpartition("BC") (*1000)
2.36    2.15    109.8   ("AB"*1000).rsplit("BC", 1) (*1000)
3.66    3.67    99.9    ("AB"*1000).split("BC", 1) (*1000)
========== quick replace multiple character match
0.06    0.28    19.9    ("A" + ("Z"*128*1024)).replace("AZZ", "BBZZ", 1) (*10)
========== quick replace single character match
0.05    0.25    21.2    ("A" + ("Z"*128*1024)).replace("A", "BB", 1) (*10)
========== repeat 1 character 10 times
0.06    0.06    90.5    "A"*10 (*1000)
========== repeat 1 character 1000 times
0.10    0.19    54.6    "A"*1000 (*1000)
========== repeat 5 characters 10 times
0.07    0.08    90.7    "ABCDE"*10 (*1000)
========== repeat 5 characters 1000 times
0.20    0.51    39.9    "ABCDE"*1000 (*1000)
========== replace and expand multiple characters, big string
0.84    1.69    49.7    "...text.with.2000.newlines...replace("\n", "\r\n") 
========== replace multiple characters, dna
1.66    1.90    87.3    dna.replace("ATC", "ATT") (*10)
========== replace single character
0.13    0.14    95.0    "This is a test".replace(" ", "\t") (*1000)
========== replace single character, big string
0.22    0.65    34.6    "...text.with.2000.lines...replace("\n", " ") (*10)
========== replace/remove multiple characters
0.20    0.23    90.5    "When shall we three meet again?".replace("ee", "") 
========== split 1 whitespace
0.08    0.08    91.6    ("Here are some words. "*2).partition(" ") (*1000)
0.06    0.08    83.8    ("Here are some words. "*2).rpartition(" ") (*1000)
0.21    0.24    87.0    ("Here are some words. "*2).rsplit(None, 1) (*1000)
0.20    0.21    95.1    ("Here are some words. "*2).split(None, 1) (*1000)
========== split 2000 newlines
1.29    1.90    67.9    "...text...".rsplit("\n") (*10)
1.22    1.75    70.1    "...text...".split("\n") (*10)
1.45    1.99    72.8    "...text...".splitlines() (*10)
========== split newlines
0.24    0.20    117.2   "this\nis\na\ntest\n".rsplit("\n") (*1000)
0.23    0.20    115.6   "this\nis\na\ntest\n".split("\n") (*1000)
0.21    0.20    105.6   "this\nis\na\ntest\n".splitlines() (*1000)
========== split on multicharacter separator (dna)
1.09    0.85    128.6   dna.rsplit("ACTAT") (*10)
1.47    1.60    91.5    dna.split("ACTAT") (*10)
========== split on multicharacter separator (small)
0.42    0.45    93.5    
"this--is--a--test--of--the--emergency--broadcast--system".rsplit("--") (*1000)
0.42    0.38    110.1   
"this--is--a--test--of--the--emergency--broadcast--system".split("--") (*1000)
========== split whitespace (huge)
1.21    1.61    75.5    human_text.rsplit() (*10)
1.13    1.67    67.3    human_text.split() (*10)
========== split whitespace (small)
0.35    0.34    100.9   ("Here are some words. "*2).rsplit() (*1000)
0.33    0.31    106.1   ("Here are some words. "*2).split() (*1000)
========== startswith multiple characters
0.13    0.14    91.7    "Andrew".startswith("Andrew") (*1000)
========== startswith multiple characters - not!
0.13    0.11    114.9   "Andrew".startswith("Anders") (*1000)
========== startswith single character
0.13    0.13    97.9    "Andrew".startswith("A") (*1000)
========== strip terminal newline
0.06    0.13    47.5    s="Hello!\n"; s[:-1] if s[-1]=="\n" else s (*1000)
0.04    0.04    107.5   "\nHello!".rstrip() (*1000)
0.05    0.04    105.7   "Hello!\n".rstrip() (*1000)
0.05    0.05    100.0   "\nHello!\n".strip() (*1000)
0.04    0.04    100.8   "\nHello!".strip() (*1000)
0.05    0.04    105.8   "Hello!\n".strip() (*1000)
========== strip terminal spaces and tabs
0.05    0.04    102.1   "\t   \tHello".rstrip() (*1000)
0.05    0.05    104.7   "Hello\t   \t".rstrip() (*1000)
0.03    0.03    90.3    "Hello\t   \t".strip() (*1000)
========== tab split
0.35    0.37    92.7    GFF3_example.rsplit("\t", 8) (*1000)
0.33    0.36    92.9    GFF3_example.rsplit("\t") (*1000)
0.30    0.31    96.5    GFF3_example.split("\t", 8) (*1000)
0.31    0.33    94.3    GFF3_example.split("\t") (*1000)
152.31  146.96  103.6   TOTAL
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