Pretending the snark to be slightly serious: you've missed the point.
The builtbots are building unreliable code, that being the point of the
test suite. Doing unpredictable stuff as root is bad juju.

Running the builtbots and their tests should not be run as root except
for a very few special tests, and those few need careful consideration
and sandboxing.

No no no no no. Running as a non-"privileged" user does not gain much.

The code may be un*reliable*, but it is not un*trusted*. If the code
disturbs the system, it can do so nearly as much as an unprivileged
user as the superuser. The critical part of the file system is the
build area, and the build slave has full access to that either way.

HOWEVER, the whole suite should not be _tested_ as root because the code
being testing is by definition untrusted.

No, you got that definition wrong. "unreliable" is correct; we don't
have any untrusted code in Python. We trust all committers, as do
we trust the integrity of the repository server.

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