Victor Stinner wrote:
>> Given that I've been working on and maintaining the Python Unicode
>> implementation actively or by providing assistance for almost
>> 12 years now, I've also thought about whether it's still worth
>> the effort.
> Thanks for your huge work on Unicode, Marc-Andre!

Thanks. I enjoyed working it on it, but priorities are different
now, and new projects are waiting :-)

>> My interests have shifted somewhat into other directions and
>> I feel that helping Python reach world domination in other ways
>> makes me happier than fighting over Unicode standards, implementations,
>> special cases that aren't special enough, and all those other
>> nitty-gritty details that cause long discussions :-)
> Someone said that we still need to define what a character is! By the way, 
> what 
> is a code point?

I'll leave that as exercise for the interested reader to find out :-)

(Hint: Google should find enough hits where I've explained those things
on various mailing lists and in talks I gave.)

>> So I feel that the PEP 393 change is a good time to draw a line
>> and leave Unicode maintenance to Ezio, Victor, Martin, and
>> all the others that have helped over the years. I know it's
>> in good hands.
> I don't understand why you would like to stop contribution to Unicode, but 

I only have limited time available for these things and am
nowadays more interested in getting others to recognize just
how great Python is, than actually sitting down and writing
patches for it.

Unicode was my baby for quite a few years, but I now have two
kids which need more love and attention :-)

> well, as you want. We will try to continue your work.


Marc-Andre Lemburg

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