I had announced this to import-sig already; now python-dev.

I have now written an implementation of PEP 382, and fixed some details
of the PEP in the process. The implementation is available at


With this PEP, a Python package P can consist of either a P/__init__.py
directory and module, or multiple P.pyp directories, or both. Using a
directory suffix resulted from the following requirements/observations:
- people apparently prefer an approach where a directory has to be
  declared as a Python package (several people commented this after
  my PyConDE talk, expressing dislike of how Java packages are
  "unflagged" directories)
- people also commented that any declaration should indicate that this
  is about Python, hence the choice of .pyp as the directory suffix.
- in choosing between a file marker inside of the directory (e.g.
  zope-interfaces.pyp) and a directory suffix, the directory suffix
  wins for simplicity reasons. A file marker would have to have a
  name which wouldn't matter except that it needs to be unique - which
  is a confusing requirement that people likely would fail to meet.

In the new form, the PEP was much easier to implement than in the first
version (plus I understand import.c better now).

This implementation now features .pyp directories, zipimporter support,
documentation and test cases.

As the next step, I'd like to advance this to ask for pronouncement.

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