What's the general consensus on supporting Python 2.5 nowadays?

There is no such consensus :-)

Do people still have to use this in commercial environments or is
everyone on 2.6+ nowadays?

At work, we are still using Python 2.5. Six months ago, we started a project to upgrade to 2.7, but we have now more urgent tasks, so the upgrade is delayed to later. Even if we upgrade new clients to 2.7, we will have to continue to support 2.5 for some more months (or years?).

In a personal project (the IPy library), I dropped support of Python 2.5 in february 2011. Recently, I got a mail asking me where the previous version of my library (supporting Python 2.4) can be downloaded! Someone is still using Python 2.4: "I'm stuck with python 2.4 in my work environment."

What do people feel?

For a new project, try to support Python 2.5, especially if you would like to write a portable library. For a new application working on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux, you can only support Python 2.6.

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