On 2012-01-08, at 01:27 , Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>> When you say MoveFile is absent, is MoveFileEx supported instead?
>>   WinRT strongly prefers asynchronous methods for all lengthy
>> operations. The most likely call to use for moving files is
>> StorageFile.MoveAsync.
>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br227219.aspx
> How does it translate to C?
>From what I've read so far, it does not. WinRT inherits from COM (and the .net 
>framework in some parts), so it seems like it's fundamentally an object-based 
>API and the lowest-level language available is two variants of C++ (a template 
>library and an extension to C++ which looks a bit like MS's older C++/CLI).

I have not seen any mention of C bindings for WinRT so far.
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