Guido van Rossum wrote:
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 5:58 PM, Gregory P. Smith <> wrote:

It is perfectly okay to break existing users who had anything depending on
ordering of internal hash tables. Their code was already broken. We 
*will*provide a flag and/or environment variable that can be set to turn the
feature off at their own peril which they can use in their test harnesses
that are stupid enough to use doctests with order dependencies.

No, that is not how we usually take compatibility between bugfix releases.
"Your code is already broken" is not an argument to break forcefully what
worked (even if by happenstance) before. The difference between CPython and
Jython (or between different CPython feature releases) also isn't relevant
-- historically we have often bent over backwards to avoid changing
behavior that was technically undefined, if we believed it would affect a
significant fraction of users.

I don't think anyone doubts that this will break lots of code (at least,
the arguments I've heard have been "their code is broken", not "nobody does

I don't know about "lots" of code, but it will break at least one library (or so I'm told):

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