On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Mark Shannon wrote:

> Lets start controversially: I don't like PEP 380, I think it's a kludge.

Too late; it's already accepted.  There's not much point in making 
controversial statements about it now.

> I think that CPython should have proper coroutines, rather than add more bits 
> and pieces to generators in an attempt to make them more like coroutines.

By "proper" coroutines, you mean implicit coroutines (cooperative threads) 
rather than explicit coroutines (cooperative generators).  Python has been 
going in the "explicit" direction on this question for a long time.  (And, in 
my opinion, this is the right direction to go, but that's not really relevant 

I think this discussion would be more suitable for python-ideas though, since 
you have a long row to hoe here.  There's already a PEP - 
http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0219/ - apparently deferred and not 
rejected, which you may want to revisit.

There are several libraries which can give you cooperative threading already; I 
assume you're already aware of greenlet and stackless, but I didn't see what 
advantages your proposed implementation provides over those.  I would guess 
that one of the first things you should address on python-ideas is why adopting 
your implementation would be a better idea than just bundling one of those with 
the standard library :).


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