Is there a reason why normal classes can't have their __doc__ strings rewritten? Creating a do-nothing metaclass seems like overkill for such a simple operation.

Python 3.2 ... on win32
--> class Test():
...   __doc__ = 'am I permanent?'
--> Test.__doc__
'am I permanent?'
--> Test.__doc__ = 'yes'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: attribute '__doc__' of 'type' objects is not writable
--> type(Test)
<class 'type'>

--> class Meta(type):
...   "only for exists to allow writable __doc__"
--> class Test(metaclass=Meta):
...   __doc__ = 'am I permanent?'
--> Test.__doc__
'am I permanent?'
--> Test.__doc__ = 'No!'
--> Test.__doc__
--> type(Test)
<class '__main__.Meta'>

Should I create a bug report?

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