>> Something along the lines of :
>> if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, X):
>>        from __preview__ import example
>> else:
>>        raise ImportError( 'Package example is only available as preview in
>> Python version 3.X. Please check the documentation of your version of
>> Python to see if and how you can get the package example.' )
> A more normal incantation, as is often the way for packages that became
> parts of the standard library after first being a third party library
> (sometimes under a different name, e.g. simplejson -> json):
> try:
>    from __preview__ import thing
> except ImportError:
>    import thing
> So no need to target a very specific version of Python.

Yep, this is what I had in mind. And it appeared too trivial to place
it in the PEP.

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