> Does this imply that each and every package in the stdlib currently
> has a dedicated maintainer who promised to be dedicated to it? Or
> otherwise, should those packages that *don't* have a maintainer be
> removed from the standard library?

That is my opinion, yes. Some people (including myself) are willing to
act as maintainers for large sets of modules, covering even code that
they don't ever use themselves.

> Isn't that a bit harsh? ElementTree is an overall functional library
> and AFAIK the preferred stdlib tool for processing XML for many
> developers. It currently needs some attention to fix a few issues,
> expose the fast C implementation by default when ElementTree is
> imported, and improve the documentation. At this point, I'm interested
> enough to work on these - given that the political issue with Fredrik
> Lundh is resolved. However, I can't *honestly* say I promise to
> maintain the package until 2017. So, what's next?

If you feel qualified to make changes, go ahead and make them. Take the
praise if they are good changes, take the blame if they fire back.
Please do try to stay around until either has happened.

It would also good if you would declare "I will maintain the etree package".

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