Big +1
On Feb 26, 2012 4:41 PM, "Eli Bendersky" <> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 12:20, "Martin v. Löwis" <>wrote:
>> > I find that strange, especially for an expert Python dev. I, a newbie,
>> > find it far friendlier (and easier for a new programmer to grasp).
>> > Maybe it's because I use it all the time, and you don't?
>> That is most likely the case. You learn by practice. For that very
>> reason, the claim "and easier for a new programmer to grasp" is
>> difficult to prove. It was easier for *you*, since you started using
>> it, and then kept using it. I don't recall any particular obstacles
>> learning % formatting (even though I did for C, not for C++).
>> Generalizing that it is *easier* is invalid: you just didn't try
>> learning that instead first, and now you can't go back in a state
>> where either are new to you.
>> C++ is very similar here: they also introduced a new way of output
>> (iostreams, and << overloading). I used that for a couple of years,
>> primarily because people said that printf is "bad" and "not object-
>> oriented". I then recognized that there is nothing wrong with printf
>> per so, and would avoid std::cout in C++ these days, in favor of
>> std::printf (yes, I know that it does have an issue with type safety).
> Not to mention that the performance of iostreams is pretty bad, to the
> extent that some projects actively discourage using them in favor of either
> C-style IO (fgets, printf, etc.) or custom IO implementations. This is
> marginally off-topic, although it does show that an initial thought of
> deprecating an existing functionality for new one doesn't always work out
> in the long run, even for super-popular languages like C++.
> Eli
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