On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 09:04, Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:
> We really need to stop saying that porting to Python 3 is hard, or should be
> delayed.  It's not in the vast majority of cases.  Yes, there are warts, and
> we should continue to improve Python 3 so it gets easier, but by no means is
> it impossible for most code to be working very nicely on Python 3 today.

I've been singing and dancing about the ease of porting for a while
now, but it's mostly thanks to the fact that I never had to do any
Unicode tomfoolery. Now with this PEP, the game gets easier for a lot
more people.

Does anyone have a good porting experience they'd like to share, which
I could maybe use as a PR effort for us? Barry, I know you wrote some
pretty solid coverage of your DBus port. Anyone else? Personal
projects or work stuff (assuming its ok to share). blog.python.org has
been asleep for a while and a good porting testimonial might be a way
to jumpstart it, or I can get it on the python.org front page.

If you have anything to share on that front, please contact me directly.
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