I assume when you say "non-string keys" this includes numbers.

But in Pypy, I can certainly use numbers:
>>> {'1':1, 1:2}.keys()
['1', 1]

I can even use a lambda (obviously not a string, a number, nor what I 
would consider a primitive):
>>> {'1':1, (lambda x: x):2}.keys()
['1', <function <lambda> at 0x00007fdb0b837da8>]

These are in Pypy 1.8.


On Thu 08 Mar 2012 14:39:40 NZDT, Victor Stinner wrote:
> Hi,
> During the Language Summit 2011 (*), it was discussed that PyPy and
> Jython don't support non-string key in type dict. An issue was open to
> emit a warning on such dict, but the patch has not been commited yet.
> I'm trying to Lib/test/crashers/losing_mro_ref.py: I wrote a patch
> fixing the specific issue (keep a strong reference to the MRO during
> the lookup, see #14199), but I realized that the real problem is that
> we allow custom objects in the type dict.
> So my question is: what is the use case of such dict? Why do we still
> support it? Can't we simply raise an error if the dict contains
> non-string keys?
> (*) http://blog.python.org/2011/03/2011-language-summit-report.html
> Victor
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