Nick Coghlan wrote:
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 10:06 PM, Mark Shannon <> wrote:
I don't think it cleans up import, but I'll defer to Brett on that.
I've included __import__() along with exec and eval as it is a place where
new namespaces can be introduced into an execution.
There may be others I haven't though of.

runpy is another one.

Add that to the list.

However, the problem I see with "builtins" as a separate argument is
that it would be a lie.

The element that's most interesting about locals vs globals vs
builtins is the scope of visibility of their contents.

When I call out to another function in the same module, locals are not
shared, but globals and builtins are.

When I call out to code in a *different* module, neither locals nor
globals are shared, but builtins are still common.

Not necessarily. All functions in a module will inherit their globals *and* builtins from the module, which gets them from __import__().

So there are two ways this purported extra "builtins" parameter could work:

1. Sandboxing - you try to genuinely give the execution context a
different set of builtins that's shared by all code executed, even
imports from other modules.

Victor's pysandbox seems pretty good to me, I had a go at breaking it
and failed, but it is too restrictive.

Rather than make pysandbox more secure, I think my proposal could make
it more usable, as clearer guarantees about access and visibility can be
provided to the sandbox developer.
You shouldn't need to cripple introspection in order to limit access to the builtins.

However, I assume this isn't what you
meant, since it is the domain of sandboxing utilities like Victor's
pysandbox and is known to be incredibly difficult to get right (hence
the demise of both rexec and Bastion and recent comments about known
segfault vulnerabilities that are tolerable in the normal case of
merely processing untrusted data with trusted code but anathema to a
robust CPython native sandboxing scheme that can still cope even when
the code itself is untrusted).

By changing the implementation to be based around immutable "execution context"s means that the compiler will enforce things for us.
Static typing has its advantages, occasionally :)

As I stated elsewhere, the crashers can be fixed. I think Victor has already fixed a couple.

2. chained globals - just an extra namespace that's chained behind the
globals dictionary for name lookup, not actually shared with code
invoked from other modules.

That's exactly what builtins already are. They are a fall back for LOAD_GLOBAL and similar when something isn't found in the globals.

The second approach is potentially useful, but:

1. "builtins" is *not* the right name for it (because any other code
invoked will still be using the original builtins)

Other code will use whatever builtins they were given at __import__.

The key point is that every piece of code already inherits locals, globals and builtins from somewhere else.
We can already control locals (by which parameters are passed in) and
globals via exec, eval, __import__, and runpy (any others?)
but we can't control builtins.

One last point is that this is a low-impact change. All code using eval, etc. will continue to work as before.
It also may speed things up a little.


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