On Mar 22, 2012 2:57 PM, "VanL" <van.lindb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That said, while I think that the above is a good idea, my personal
ambitions are more modest: If the names of the top-level directories only
were changed to 'bin', 'lib', and 'include' - never mind differences under
'lib' - I would be happy. In fact, even the one change of 'Scripts' to
'bin' everywhere would get 90% of my uses.

Why don't you just install your scripts to 'bin' everywhere then, and add
the bin directory to the path on Windows?  Distutils allows you to
customize your install target for scripts, as does setuptools.  Why do you
need *Python's own default* to change, to support your preference for using
a bin directory?

Even if you are using tools that don't use distutils' configuration
settings for these directories, why not simply fix those tools so that they
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