On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 1:32 AM, Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz>wrote:

> PJ Eby wrote:
>  Weird - I have the exact *opposite* problem, where I have to resize my
>> window because somebody *didn't* set their text max-width sanely (to a
>> reasonable value based on ems instead of pixels), and I have nearly 1920
>> pixels of raw text spanning my screen.
> If you don't want 1920-pixel-wide text, why make your
> browser window that large?

Not every tab in my browser is text for reading; some are apps that need
the extra horizontal space.  That is, they have more than one column of
text or data -- but no individual column spans anywhere near the full
width.  (Google Docs, for example, shows me two pages at a time when I'm
reading a PDF.)
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