On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 12:42 AM, Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote: > As I said, I think the caching idea is bad. We may have to settle for > semantics that are less than perfect -- presumably if you are doing > benchmarking you just have to throw away a bad result that happened to > be affected by a clock anomaly, and if you are using timeouts, retries > are already part of life.
I agree caching doesn't solve the problems that are solved by an OS level monotonic clock, but falling back to an unmodifided time.time() result instead doesn't solve those problems either. Falling back to time.time() just gives you the status quo: time may jump forwards or backwards by an arbitrary amount between any two calls. Cached monotonicity just changes the anomalous modes to be time jumping forwards, or time standing still for an extended period of time. The only thing the caching provides is that it becomes a reasonable fallback for a function called time.monotonic() - it *is* a monotonic clock that meets the formal contract of the function, it's just nowhere near as good or effective as one the OS can provide. Forward jumping anomalies aren't as harmful, are very hard to detect in the first place and behave the same regardless of the presence of caching, so the interesting case to look at is the difference in failure modes when the system clock jumps backwards. For benchmarking, a caching clock will produce a zero result instead of a negative result. Zeros aren't quite as obviously broken as negative numbers when benchmarking, but they're still sufficiently suspicious that most benchmarking activities will flag them as anomalous. If the jump back was sufficiently small that the subsequent call still produces a higher value than the original call, then behaviour reverts to being identical. For timeouts, setting the clock back means your operation will take longer to time out than you expected. This problem will occur regardless of whether you were using cached monotonicity (such that time stands still) or the system clock (such that time actually goes backwards). In either case, your deadline will never be reached until the backwards jump has been cancelled out by the subsequent passage of time. I want the standard library to be able to replace its time.time() calls with time.monotonic(). The only way we can do that without breaking cross-platform compatibility is if time.monotonic() is guaranteed to exist, even when the platform only provides time.time(). A dumb caching fallback implementation based on time.time() is the easiest way to achieve that withou making a complete mockery of the "monotonic()" name. There is then a *different* use case, which is 3.3+ only code which wants to fail noisily when there's no OS level monotonic support - the application developer really does want to fail *immediately* if there's no OS level monotonic clock available, instead of crossing your fingers and hoping you don't hit a clock adjustment glitch (crossing your fingers has, I'll point out, been the *only* option for all previous versions of Python, so it clearly can't be *that* scary a prospect). So, rather than making time.monotonic() something that the *standard library can't use*, I'd prefer to address that second use case by exposing the OS level monotonic clock as time.os_monotonic() only when it's available. That way, the natural transition for old time.time() based code is to time.monotonic() (with no cross-platform support implications), but time.os_monotonic() also becomes available for the stricter use cases. Regards, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncogh...@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia _______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list Python-Dev@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-dev Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-dev/archive%40mail-archive.com