> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-dev-bounces+kristjan=ccpgames....@python.org
> [mailto:python-dev-bounces+kristjan=ccpgames....@python.org] On
> Behalf Of Cameron Simpson
> Sent: 30. mars 2012 21:43
> There seem to be a few competing features for clocks that people want:
>   - monotonic - never going backward at all
>   - high resolution
>   - no steps
 "no steps" is something unquantifiable.  All time has steps in it.  What you 
mean here is no 'noise'.  And this is also never actually achievable.
A clock that ticks forwards, but sometimes stops some and then  ticks some 
more, is simply a clock with a lower resolution on average than what can be 
observed for certain time periods.

It befuddles me somewhat how complicated you are making all of this.
Simply provide the best high resolution, non-backwards ticking, performance 
timer that the platform provides, and don't try to make promises about 
unquantifiable things such as 'steps'.
You can do this simply using QPC on windows and enforcing the forward ticking 
using a static local.
Simply promise that this is a forward ticking clock with the highest resolution 
and lowest noise available for the platform and make no other guarantees, other 
than perhaps suggesting that this might not be used reliably for benchmarking 
on older os/hardware platforms.


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