On Fri, 13 Apr 2012 18:29:10 +0200
Victor Stinner <victor.stin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The descriptions should really stress the scope of the result's
> > validity. My guess (or wish :-)) would be:
> >
> > - time.monotonic(): system-wide results, comparable from one process to
> >  another
> > - time.perf_counter(): process-wide results, comparable from one thread
> >  to another (?)
> > - time.process_time(): process-wide, by definition
> time.monotonic() and time.perf_counter() are process-wide on Windows
> older than Vista because of GetTickCount() overflow, on other OSes,
> they are system-wide.

Perhaps, but you should say in the PEP, not here ;-)
By the way, I wonder if it may be a problem if monotonic() is
process-wide under Windows.

> All OSes provide a monotonic clock, except GNU/Hurd. You mean that it
> should be mentioned in the time.monotonic() section?

Yes, that would be clearer.



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