On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Sandro Tosi <sandro.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 09:37, Georg Brandl <g.bra...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> Also, I'm not sure everybody knows what the "Olson database" is, so maybe 
>> that
>> should be explained too.
> I had considered that, but then I found another reference of "Olson
> database" in an example right before the seealso note, so I left it as
> it is. On a second thought, it might be better to clarify what Olson
> db is, do you think a link (f.e to here:
> http://www.iana.org/time-zones ) could be enough or (or in addition)
> also a brief note is needed?

I think another "see also" with a link to that page would be
appropriate. With maintenance of the database transferred to the IANA,
I'd also rephrase the reference as the "IANA timezone database (also
known as the Olson database)"


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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