Larry Hastings wrote:

On 04/29/2012 02:01 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
On 4/29/2012 4:41 AM, Larry Hastings wrote:
I'd prefer an object to a dict, but not a tuple / structseq.  There's no
need for the members to be iterable.
I agree with you, but there's already plenty of precedent for this.
[...] Iteration for these isn't very useful, but structseq is the handiest
type we have:

The times, they are a-changin'. I've been meaning to start whacking the things which are iterable which really shouldn't be. Like, who uses destructuring assignment with the os.stat result anymore? Puh-leez, that's so 1996. That really oughta be deprecated.

Why? What problems does it cause?

If it isn't broken, don't break it.


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