On 04.06.2012 01:28, Nick Coghlan wrote:
I apologise, "unmaintained" is too strong a word. I mean "lacking an
owner sufficiently confident in their authority and expertise and with
sufficient time and energy to add,or approve the addition of,
substantial new features which may require significant refactoring of
internal details".

Perhaps "unowned" would be a better word? Saying yes or no to major
feature requests isn't the same as fixing errors in existing features.
(Compare regular email package maintenance to RDM's recent updates)

I see the same risk for regex. Maybe somebody steps forward and integrates the code, but I doubt that someone would then "own" the
code in the sense you refer to, i.e. decide on major new features, or
perform a significant internal refactoring. It would all be up to

Also, there is a chance that a maintainer for SRE may come back.
Gustavo Niemeyer had that role for some time after /F left, and
anybody sufficiently interested in a specific new feature might
grow into that role as well.

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