On 6/12/2012 9:40 AM, Alon Horev wrote:
Hi All,

First of all, I'm not opening a bug yet as I'm not certain whether this
is a CPython bug or lxml bug.

lxml is more likely, making this a topic for python-list and whatever lxml list.

from lxml.etree import iterparse

anyone familiar with these kind of bugs in c extensions/cpython/lxml?
could you give pointers to what I should be looking for?

I would ask the generic question on python-list and report the problem to lxml folks also.

some version info:
CPython version: 2.7.2 on linux.

2.7.3 has 6 months more of bugfixes, and if there is a problem with python, you would have to demonstrate a problem with that or a more recent build.

Terry Jan Reedy

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