Nick Coghlan wrote:
On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Benjamin Peterson <> wrote:
Open questions

There are two open questions for this PEP:

* Should ``list`` expose a kwarg in it's constructor for supplying a length
* Should a function be added either to ``builtins`` or some other module which
  calls ``__length_hint__``, like ``builtins.len`` calls ``__len__``.
Let's try to keep this as limited as possible for a public API.

Length hints are very useful for *any* container implementation,
whether those containers are in the standard library or not. Just as
we exposed operator.index when __index__ was added, we should expose
an "operator.length_hint" function with the following semantics:

As given, length_hint gives no way of distinguishing between iterables and non-iterables:

py> length_hint([])
py> length_hint(42)

nor does it give iterable objects a way to indicate that either they don't know their length, or that they are infinite.

I suggest:

* object (and hence all other types that don't explicitly override it)
  should have a __length_hint__ that raises TypeError;

* __length_hint__ should be allowed to return None to indicate "don't know"
  or -1 to indicate "infinite".

Presumably anything that wishes to create a list or other sequence from an object with a hint of -1 could then raise an exception immediately.

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