Le Sep 20, 2012 à 11:35 AM, David Beazley <d...@dabeaz.com> a écrit :

> Well, if it's supposed to do that, it certainly doesn't work for me in 3.3.  
> I get a type error about it wanting a ctypes pointer object.    Even if this 
> worked, it still doesn't address the need to get the pointer value possibly 
> for some other purpose such as handling it off to a bunch of code generated 
> via LLVM. 

It seems like there's no reason to need to get the pointer value out as a 
Python integer.  If you are trying to get a pointer from a memoryview into some 
C code, or into some LLVM generated code, you still need to do the Python int 
object → C integer-of-some-kind → C pointer type conversion.  Better to just go 
straight from Python memoryview object → C pointer in one supported API call.  
Isn't this what the y* w* s* format codes are for?

Every time I have something that's a big number and I need to turn it into a 
pointer, I have to stare at the table in 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64_bit#64-bit_data_models> for like 30 seconds.  
I'd rather have some Python API do the staring for me.  David, I realize that 
table is probably permanently visible in the heads-up display that your 
cybernetic implants afford you, but some of us need to make our way through C 
code with humbler faculties ;-).


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