On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 9:02 AM, Lennart Regebro <rege...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't want to default to a database that is guaranteed to be out of date.
> I don't see the purpose. This is also why I'm skeptical at including the
> data on Windows.

I think that would be a little too pure to be practical. There are
many practical usages of tz data that would work fine with a year-old
timezone database.

Personally, I'd want to not ship any tzdata with non-Windows Python
packages on the assumption that they have good up-to-date OS tzdata
(or it should be easy to disable it in the configure phase). Also, I
wonder if it would be possible to select the copy of the data that is
the most recent (e.g. on Unix, pick the OS version if tzupdate is
installed but older than the OS version).


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