On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Brandon W Maister <bwmais...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> To (mis-)quote Antoine:
>> >--> d1 = {1:2}
>> >--> d2 = {'3':4}
>> >--> dict(d1, **d2)
>> > {1: 2, '3': 4}
>> Apparently it is valid syntax.  Just make sure you keys for the **
>> operator are valid strings.  :)
> or not:
>>>> dict(**{'not a valid identifier': True, 1: True})
> {1: True, 'not a valid identifier': True}

Just because the string says it's not valid doesn't mean it's not valid.

Anyway, can this thread go to python-ideas or python-list now?
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