On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Kristján Valur Jónsson
<krist...@ccpgames.com> wrote:
> Hello there.
> I‘d like to have some pair of eyes on a couple of patches i´ve submitted.

Sorry, can't help you with these, but I've got a language nit...

> http://bugs.python.org/issue16475
> This fixes a regression in marshal between 2.x and 3.x, reinstating string
> reuse and internment support.  In addition, it generalizes string reuse to

It's not internment -- that means imprisonment. The term we use is
interning. (The dictionary will tell you that means imprisonment too
-- but it's long been used as the name for this particular technique.
Internment has not.)

> all objects, allowing for data optimizations to be made on code objects
> before marshaling.  This straighforward extension considerably enhances the
> utility of the marshal module as a low-cost data serialization tool.
> http://bugs.python.org/issue16487
> This allows ssl contexts to be initialized with certificates from memory,
> rather than having to rely on the openssl performing its own file IO to read
> them.   This allows clients and servers that have their certificates
> deployed e.g. from a db or verbatim in a module, to use ssl without having
> to resort to temporary disk files and physical IO.
> Both of these patches are bourne out of work performed at CCP.  The former
> comes from work on marshal in order to support our own code object
> optimizer, which helps save memory on the PS3.  The second comes from us
> supporting isolated embedded python servers and clients and not wanting to
> complicate things with unnecessary temporary files for storing credidentials
> that are obtained from elsewhere.
> Both were, of course, 2.7 modifications, that I have now ported to 3.4 for
> the benefit of the python community.
> K
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