On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11 December 2012 15:39, Dirkjan Ochtman <dirk...@ochtman.nl> wrote:
>>> Should the windows installer include the data package?
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>> It has been suggested that the Windows installer should include the data
>>> package. This would mean that an explicit installation no longer would be
>>> needed on Windows. On the other hand, that would mean that many using 
>>> Windows
>>> would not be aware that the database quickly becomes outdated and would not
>>> keep it updated.
>> I still submit that it's pretty much just as easy to forget to update
>> the database whether it's been installed by hand zero or one times, so
>> I don't find your argument convincing. I don't mind the result much,
>> though.
> I agree. Also, in corporate or similar environments where each
> individual package installation must be approved, having at least some
> timezone data in the base install ensures that all Python code can
> assume the *existence* of timezone support (if not necessarily the
> accuracy of that data).
> If the base Windows installer does not include timezone data, then the
> documentation should note this and offer advice on how to write code
> that degrades gracefully without timezones.
> If the base installer *does* include timezone data, of course, there
> should be a documented mechanism for updating it (we don't want magic
> like the old xml package used, I assume).

I think we should try to get the data into the base installer and then
include a small updater, perhaps putting it in a Windows scheduled
task and checking PyPI periodically for newer versions. If a new one
comes up, prompt if the user wants it.
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