On 12/22/2012 3:46 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
On Dec 22, 2012, at 03:36 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

Actually, I made d...@dinsdale.python.org an acceptable alias so these
messages won't just fill up the hold queue of the list.  It did get the
problem fixed, didn't it? ;)

It solved the admin problem for we two, but over 100(?) people, including me, got a slew of bogus checkin messages.

I don't remember the previous conversation.  If folks really don't want those
messages hitting the checkins list, then errors should probably be sent to
some address that can do something about the problem when they occur.  Maybe
that's not d...@dinsdale.python.org, or maybe that alias should point
somewhere else (is that address ever used in the good path?).  I have no idea
where that address is used.

As for the noise issue, well, I hope such failures shouldn't happen very
often.  We can set up an auto-discard, but then I worry that problems will
just go unnoticed for days.

They should be sent to the small group of people who can usefully respond to them.

Terry Jan Reedy

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