On 02/25/2013 10:49 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
On Mon, 25 Feb 2013 09:03:06 -0800
Eli Bendersky <eli...@gmail.com> wrote:

"DOG" > "CAT" invokes lexicographical comparison between two strings, a
well-defined and sensical operations. It simply means that in a sorted list
of strings, "CAT" will come before "DOG". This is different from an
enumeration that attempts to (at least logically) restrict a value to a set
of pre-defined entities.

No, it's not different. Like there are use cases for ordered
comparisons of strings, there are cases for ordered comparisons of
For example, if I have an enum representing SIP or HTTP response codes,
it is perfectly reasonable to write:

     if code < 200:
         # temporary response
     elif code < 400:
         # successful final response
         # final error response:

Really, there's no justification for claiming an enum should never
compare to anything else. It's entirely application-dependent.

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