On 28/02/13 23:26, Stefan Krah wrote:
Jesse Noller <jnol...@gmail.com> wrote:
We have one: p...@python.org

That's not exactly a public mailing-list.

Nope. But it's also where lawyers flock and these issues can rapidly be 

If the list isn't publicly archived, the same questions will arise over
and over again (probably on python-dev).

Why would it help to resolve such an issue (if it is an issue at all!)
for a single person on a private mailing list?

Because we can ask somebody on the PSF to commit to replying here with the

- "No, we have legal advice that we are not violating the Apache license,
  and here's why..."

- "Yes, we are violating the license, and this is what we are going to do
  to fix it..."

The question of whether or not the PSF is violating the Apache license in
some way is not one that is helped by having arbitrary people give their
uninformed opinions. I sympathize with curious people wanting to see what's
going on, but really, this is not a question to be debated and argued by
amateurs and non-lawyers. The PSF has a tame lawyer for exactly these sorts
of matters, and we should let him do his job.

In any case, until Anatoly replies with details, this counts as nothing
more than an unsubstantiated, vague accusation. Over to you Anatoly...

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