On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 7:37 PM, Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 11:33 AM, fwierzbi...@gmail.com wrote:
>>I am suggesting that we push forward on the "shared library" approach to the
>>files in the Lib/* directory, so that would certainly include IronPython and
>>PyPy as well I hope.
> +1
>>The easy part for Jython is pushing some of our "if is_jython:" stuff
>>into the appropriate spots in CPython's Lib/.
> I wonder if there isn't a better way to do this than sprinkling is_jython,
> is_pypy, is_ironpython, is_thenextbigthing all over the code base.  I have no
> bright ideas here, but it seems like a feature matrix would be a better way to
> go than something that assumes a particular Python implementation has a
> particular feature set (which may change in the future).
Sorry I meant "is_jython" as a sort of shorthand for a case by case
check. It would be cool if we had a nice set of checks somewhere like
"is_refcounted", etc. Would the sys.implementation area be a good
place for such things?

On the other hand in some ways Jython is sort of like Python on a
weird virtual OS that lets the real OS bleed through some. This may
still need to be checked in that way (there's are still checks of <if
os.name == 'nt'> right?)

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