On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Rocky Bernstein <ro...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Okay. But is the string is still somewhere in the CPython VM stack? (The
> result of LOAD_CONST 4 above). Is there a way to pick it up from there?

Maybe using C you could peek into the frame's value stack, but that's
not exposed to any Python API I know of.  But that still doesn't help
you, because the value will be removed from the stack before exec() is
actually called, which means if you go looking for it in code called
from the exec (e.g. the call event itself), you aren't going to see
the data.

> At the point that we are stopped the exec action hasn't taken place yet.

That doesn't help if you're using line-level tracing events.  At the
beginning of the line, the data's not on the call stack yet, and by
the time you enter the frame of the code being exec'd, it'll be off
the stack again.

Basically, there is no way to do what you're asking for, short of
replacing the built-in exec function with your own version.  And it
still won't help you with stepping through the source of functions
that are *compiled* using an exec() or compile(), or any other way of
ending up with dynamically-generated code you want to debug.

(Unless you use something like DecoratorTools to generate it, that is
-- DecoratorTools has some facilities for caching
dynamically-generated code so that it works properly with debuggers.
But that has to be done by the code doing the generation, not the
debugger.  If the code generator uses DecoratorTools' caching support,
then any debugger that uses the linecache module will Just Work.  It
might be nice for  the stdlib should have something like this, but you
could also potentially fake it by replacing the builtin eval, exec,
compile, etc. functions w/versions that cache the source.)
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