Am 07.04.13 16:58, schrieb Gregory P. Smith: > We don't need to close the 2.7 branch to commits and bug fixes. Ever.
I wouldn't want this to happen, actually. People making changes to the 2.7 branch will want to see them released some day. The expectation is on the release people to actually make the releases. I personally want to see a fixed date when I can stop making Windows releases of 2.7, and uninstall Visual Studio 2008. So when we (Benjamin specifically) announce an end to bug fixing 2.7, I'd really like to see the branch closed for bug fixing. It may well be that another clone of cpython is established that gets bugs fixed (and perhaps even new features), but I would rather that branch not be Regards, Martin _______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list Unsubscribe: