On Apr 25, 2013, at 02:54 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>I don't know what's going on,

Mostly that this is my first opportunity to chime in on the subject.

>but it feels like we had this same discussion a week ago, and I still
>disagree. Disregarding, the C[i] notation, I feel quite strongly that in the
>following example:
>class Color(Enum):
>    red = 1
>    white = 2
>    blue = 3
>    orange = 4
>the values Color.red etc. should be instances of Color. This is how
>things work in all other languages that I am aware of that let you
>define enums.

Is it enough that isinstance(Color.red, Color) returns True, or do you
really-and-truly want them to be instances of Color?

I still think it's weird, but I could accept the former if you're flexible on
the latter, which in some sense is just an implementation detail anyway.


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